The Post Pacino Spectacular is a festival that will take place on Saturday, June 24th. The Spectacular is a circus of sorts based around diversity and fostering communication between different communities, including musicians and bands of multiple genres, painters, poets, theater, dancers, and mostly mad fun, the first Post-Pacino Spectacular will include: Reflectiostack, So L'il,I Feel Tractor, Ifwhen Seaman & Queerfunkel, Sleeping Kings of Iona & Katherine Betty Jones will be displaying her paintings. Poets Dustin Williamson and Frank Sherlock will be reading. Additionally, limited edition Goodbye Better compilations and zines will be released in accordance with each performance. Pete’s Candy Store is located at
709 Lorimer St.
Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
For more info on them please visit: http://www.petescandystore.com/ Gratzi mucho. Love,Goodbye Better