The Burning Chair Readings Say YES! to Innovative Poetry w/The Poetry Stylings of
Jane Gregory, Frank Sherlock & Jake Adam YorkFriday, September 22nd7:30 PMThe Fall Café307 Smith Street Between Union & President
Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn
F or G to Carroll Street
Frank Sherlock is the author of
Spring Diet of Flowers at Night (Mooncalf Press),
ISO (furniture press),
13(ixnay press) and has engaged in collaborative projects with CAConrad Jennifer Coleman among many others. He is a contributing editor
forXConnect: Writers for the Information Age.
Jake Adam York is the author of
Murder Ballads, selected by Jane Satterfield for the Fifth Annual Elixir Press Awards Judge’s Prize. His poems have appeared in
Shenandoah, Oxford American, Greensboro Review, Gulf Coast, New Orleans Review, Quarterly West, Diagram, Octopus, Southern Review, Poetry Daily, and other journals as well as in the anthologies
Visiting Walt (Iowa University Press, 2003) and
Digerati (Three Candles, 2006). York is an associate professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center in Denver, Colorado, where he directs an undergraduate Creative Writing program and produces
Copper Nickel with his students. York is also a contributing editor for
Shenandoah, a co-editor of the online journal
story South and a founding editor of
Thicket, an electronic journal dedicated to Alabama writers and Alabama writing. His work of poetic history,
The Architecture of Address: The Monument and Public Speech in American Poetry, was published by Routledge in 2005.
Jane Gregory is one of Brooklyn’s best kept secrets,unless you read
Cannibal or are a regular during The Witching Hours. Then you know all about her.